Wednesday, April 30, 2008

BIgfoot sighting re-enactment

This is good. There's this dude who claims to have spotted Bigfoot in his apartment buildings parking lot. Here's his terrifyingly real drawing of the beast (and no, he's not 6 years old).

So although this guy can't draw a lick, he apparently has some computer skills, and set up this well-worth-your-time re-enactment on his website. Go forth and click through the story. You'll be glad you did.


RGame said...

So now you don't ever have to even leave the house to be a Bigfoot hunter. Just sit on the balcony with a bag of Japanese Doritos and some binoculars.

What's next? Bigfoot sightings at the mall? Actually, yes, this December in On the Brighter Side, an online magazine.

Blogfoot said...

It seems to have been a pretty long sighting, so I'm trying to figure out why the guy didn't try and take a blurry photo. Maybe he was too busy posting a real-time report via twitter.