Thursday, January 21, 2010

How do I do this again?

Oh, right - I type something, hit "publish post," and nobody reads it, because any readers I did have have migrated elsewhere for their blog needs in the 5 months since I last posted something. Got it.


Bill Roehl said...

I still read it!

alangdell said...

I read you. Loud and clear buddy.

RGame said...

Finally. I've been staring at that Mandom photo for five months, nonstop, every minute of every day.

Paul Zupke said...

I found your blog searching for the Godzilla toy photo to go along with the Shogun Warriors for a blog I do. I maintain a better frequency of writing when I have something to actually say, but still I feel your pain. I let most of June and all of July go by without posting. I read your stuff you definitely should publish more often. Its good, witty at times with just enough sarcasm to not be dripping with it. Hope you don't mind that I copped the photo.