Thursday, July 13, 2006

Stan Lee is punk rock

Here is a picture of comics legend Stan Lee giving "the finger" to a photographer. Johnny Cash has got nothing on Smilin' Stan. I notice there is a "Spider-man" poster in the background, which leads me to postulate the following: Stan was in attendance at the premiere of the "Spider-Man" movie, and thought it would be cool to make Spidey's web-slinging hand gesture (which is actually a palms-up version of the popular rock on / demonic hand gesture thingy) at the camera, but he forgot how to do it because he's old, and old people forget things. But I do think that the Members Only jacket really adds a nice air of menace to the proceedings.


Blogfoot said...

I love your spam, very uninteresting!

blogfoot bro said...

After those movies, he is the man in the black.

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.