Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Bas Rutten wants to kick you in the groin

Bas Rutten is one of those "ultimate fighting" guys. He gets into a ring and pummels people for a living. Now he has an instructional video on self-defense that may as well be titled "How to Maim & Destroy People That Look At You Cross-Eyed."

He has plenty of practical tips for the budding ass-kicker, but really seems to believe in the power of the groin kick. My advice? If you happen to see this guy in public, give him $20 and quickly walk away. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting kicked in the groin.

And yes, Blogfoot now has video! No more clicking on links (well, maybe some) and being catapaulted to other, less-funny sites. Stay tuned for other epoch-shattering updates, including a new masthead design and a bevy of banner ads for various sexual disfunction products.


Anonymous said...

I actually caught myself wondering if Bas Rutten could kick Kurt Thomas' ass or groin or whatever.

Blogfoot said...

Methink the Keebler Elf could kick Kurt Thomas' ass.

Blogfoot said...

That should read "Methinks"....

blogfoot bro said...

Isn't this really America's Funniest Home Videos all over?
I mean half that show was dedicated to people getting beaned in the crotch with every possible item imaginable.

Save your $ 20.00 folks, carry a nerf bat, football, wet cat, or golf ball and a video camera, when approached, hit the assailant in the groin, film it and parlay that terrible street crime into riches and fame!!

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!